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Urinary Tract Infection

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Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection

A homoeopathic perspective ..............

  • Urinary tract infection is a common medical problem in women, man, children and old people. UTI is a bacteria infection it's occurrence rate is common in infancy, in girls and boys. Beyond infancy incidences of infection is higher in girls. It causes discomfort, pain and burning during micturition. PREVALENCE & CAUSE :

    Urinary tract infection (UTI’s) is significant bacteriuria, colony count is 105 CFU/ml of a single bacterial species of midstream. It is a more common bacterial infection of childhood, affecting 3-10% of girls and 1-3% boys. During infancy, the rate of transmission of infection is hematogenous so that UTI’s are equally common in girls and boys.

  • Urinary tract infection is commonly caused by E.coli, others include Staphylococci, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, etc. Girls are more prone to UTI’s due to obstructive uropathy, constipation , voiding dysfunction, severe vesicoureteral reflex. Infection may affect the upper urinary tract (Pyelonephritis) or lower urinary tract (Cystitis). SYMPTOMS :

    • The onset of the symptoms is with fever, anorexia, the child can cry during micturition.
    • Dysuria, Burning & Itching in the urethra, redness in the area.
    • Some time blood may also present in urine.
    • Failure to thrive, irritability, lethargy.
    • Offensive cloudy urine, poor urinary stream.


A Doctor should examine the patient very carefully.On palpitation bladder is distended, tight. A question should be asked to the patient -

1. Is there any straining during micturition ..?

2. Regarding Poor urinary stream, colour of urine or any offensive smell.. ?

  • Urine Culture, Blood test, Ultrasound, Mictureting Cystourethrogram.


Homoeopathy is a better choice of medicine to treat the Urinary tract infection from its root cause. Maintaining the hygiene of Genitalia is the first step in treating UTI . Some of the rare remedies used to treat urinary tract infection : --

  • Copaiva Officinalis : painful micturition with dribbling. Retention with pain in the bladder,anus, and rectum. Swelling of the orifice, urethritis. Urine smells like violets. Greenish, turbid, colour of urine with pungent odor. Constant desire to micturate.
  • Canabis Sativa : Urine retained with obstinate constipation. Stitches in urethra , painful urging. Burning while micturating, extending to the bladder. Urine scalding with spasmodic closure of sphincter. Stoppage of urethra by mucus and pus. Walks with legs apart. Dragging in the testicles.
  • Thalaspi Bursa Pastoris : Urine burning, passing frequently, of a strong odor. Copious discharge of urinary sand, increased flow of urine, relief of dropsy. Brick dust sediment. Chronic cystitis.
  • Chimaphila Umbellate : Urine turbid, offensive, containing ropy or bloody mucus and depositing copious sediment. Burning and scalding during micturition and staining afterward. Scanty urine. Must stain before flow comes. A constant desire to urinate.
  • Clematis : Tingling in urethra lasting some time after urinating. Frequent, scanty urination and burning at the orifice. Pain worse at night. Urine turbid, milky, dark, with flakes of mucus and frothy. Stitches in the urethra, stitches from the abdomen into the chest.
  • Colibacillinum : Colibacillinum is the best medicine. The symptoms include an urge to pass urine frequently, scanty urination, and pain while passing urine. The urine may be offensive smelling.
  • Doryphora : Dysuria, with burning, stinging pain. Urethritis in children from local irritation and gleet. Difficult micturition. Urethra inflamed, with excruciating pain when urinating. Pain in back and loins. Severe trembling in limbs.
  • Equisetum : Incontinence in children, with the dream or nightmares when passing urine. Severe, dull pain and feeling of fullness of bladder, not relieved by urinating. Frequent urging with severe pain at the close of urination. Excessive burning in urethra while urinating. Urine cloudy.
  • Oniscus : Tenesmus of the bladder and rectum, with the absence of stool and urine. Cutting burning in the urethra, with excessive bodily restlessness. Cutting, burning in urethra.
  • Petroselinum Sativum : Discharge of a milky fluid from the urethra. Orifice of the urethra agglutinated with mucus. Slight burning in the navicular fossa while urinating. Drawing and sticking in the navicular fossa, that after urinating changed to a cutting biting.
  • Pareira Brava : Micturition difficult, with much straining only in drops, with sensation as if urine should be emitted in large quantities. Dribbling of urine after micturition. Urine smells strongly of ammonia and contains a large quantity of viscid, thick, white mucus. Black, bloody, foaming urine, depositing brick-dust sediment of uric acid; deep red and mucous urine.
  • Sabal Serrulata : Feeling as if bladder too full; starting the flow was painful as if forced through very narrow meatus. Constant desire to pass water at night. Cystitis with prostatic hypertrophy. A desire for milk.
  • Stigmata Maydis : Suppression and retention. Blood and red sand urine. Tenesmus after urinating. Scanty urine.
  • Taraxacum : Painless urging to urinate. Frequent urging to urinate with copious discharge of urine. Urine high-colored, and considerably diminished in quantity.
  • Triticum Aestivum : Frequent, difficult, and painful urination. Chronic cystic irritability. Urine is dense and irritates the mucus surfaces. Incontinence, constant desire.
  • Uva Ursi : Cystitis with hematuria, chronic cystitis with pain, tenesmus, and catarrhal discharge. Burning after the discharge of slimy urine. Frequent urging with severe spasms of the bladder burning and tearing pain. Urine contains blood, pus, and a lot of tenacious mucus, with clots in large masses. Painful dysuria with green urine.

  • Kent’s repertory: 3 marks rubrics
    • BLADDER-Urging to Urinate :- ~ Arg-n; Bell; Berb; Bry; Camph; Cann-i; Cann-s; Canth; Caust; Kali-c; Lil-t; Merc-c; Nat-m; Nux-v; Puls; Sabin; Sars; Sep; Staph; Sulp; Thuj
    • BLADDER-URINATION- dribbling :- Canth; Lil-t; Merc; Merc-c; Nux-v; Plb; Puls; Sulph; Ter
    • BLADDER-URINATION- frequent-:- Am-c; Apis; Arg-m; Arg-n; Bar-c; Calc; Calc-ar; Canth; Caust; Gels; Graph; Ign; Lac-ac; Lach; Lyc; Merc; Merc-c; Nux-v; Puls; Stap; Sulp
    • BLADDER-PAIN-Burning :– Berb; Canth; Caps
    • BLADDER-URINATION- dysuria :- Acon; Arg-n; Ars; Bell; Cann-s; Canth; Cop; Dig; Lil-t; Lyc; Merc-c; Nux-v; Op; Puls; Sulph; Ter
    • URETHRA- Inflammation:- Arg-n; Cann-s; Canth; Ter
    • URETHRA-PAIN-burning- urination, before- Bor; Cann-I; Canth
    • URETHRA-PAIN- burning- urination, during : Arg-n; Bell; Calc; Camph; Cann-I; Cann-s; Canth; Caust; Lil-t; Nat-c; Nit-ac; Nux-v; Sulph; Thuja; Uva-u
    • URETHRA-PAIN-burning- urination, after :– Cann-I; Canth; Nat-c; Nat-m

  • Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristics & Repertory: -5 marks rubrics

  • Murphy’s repertory: 3 marks rubrics
    • Bladder-pressing, pain, pressure in- cystitis, in :– LYCO Diseases-emaciation, body- bladder, catarrh-cystitis, with – EUP-PUR.
    • Fever- hectic fever- cystitis, in: - EUP-PUR.
    • Kidneys-dull pain-cystitis, in: – EUP-PUR.
    • Pulse- small, pulse-quick, after working in sun- and, in cystitis :– HELL.

  • Clinical Repertory – O.E. Boericke :- Urinary System – inflammation, (cystitis) acute – BELL, CAMPH, CANN-S, CANTH, COP, CUB, DULC, EQUIS, EUCAL, EUP-PUR, FERR-P, GELS, MERC-C, PAREIR, POP, PULS, SABIN, TER, OL-SANT, STIGM.
  • Van Zandvoort R., Complete repertory:- Bladder -pain pressing, pressure in cystitis, in – LYC.


( Dr.D.N.Yadav, Dr. Divya Nagar, Greater Noida )