Welcome to Homoeopathique, a trusted homeopathy clinic specializing in women's health. Our experienced team of homeopathic doctors provides personalized care for menstrual disorders, reproductive issues, and other female-related concerns. With a holistic approach, we aim to restore balance and promote natural healing for long-lasting health and vitality. Experience compassionate and effective homeopathic care at Homoeopathique, where your well-being is our priority.
Symptoms of fibroadenoma of the breast, fibrocystic disease of the breast, breast lumps, mammary dysplasia, chronic cystic mastitis, or fibroadenosis may include:
Symptoms of dysmenorrhea (painful menses or periods) may include:
Symptoms of menorrhagia (prolonged, profuse, protracted, or copious menses or periods) may include:
Symptoms of leucorrhea may include:
Symptoms of uterine fibroids or myomas may include:
Symptoms of menopausal troubles may include:
Symptoms of Poly Cystic Ovary Disease (PCOD or PCOS) may include:
Infertility itself is not associated with specific noticeable symptoms. However, some underlying conditions or factors that can contribute to infertility may have symptoms such as:
Symptoms of loss of libido in females, Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD), or Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) may include:
Specialist - BHMS (HONS.)- MD
Address: 1st Floor, Mahendra Pradhan Market, Knowledge Park-1,
Tugalpur, Near Bakson Homoeopathic College, Greater Noida
Specialist - BHMS(HONS), PGDYN
Address: 1st Floor, Mahendra Pradhan Market, Knowledge Park-1,
Tugalpur, Near Bakson Homoeopathic College, Greater Noida
Need medical advice? Schedule an online consultation now!
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