Consult your doctor once a month till you have completed 28 weeks of pregnancy. Then the visits will be scheduled once every fortnight till the 36th week of pregnancy. In the final stages of pregnancy, you will be required to see your doctor every week. It is important for you to not miss any of the appointments as the regular checkups carried out will give you a clearer picture of your state of health.
Allow mothers to take prenatal vitamins. Prenatal vitamins are supplements that provide for essential nutrients required during pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins contain folic acid, calcium and iron as these help in the development of the baby.
Foods those are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fatty acids. Such foods can be fruits and vegetable. Foods that are high on the unsaturated fat content should be avoided.
1. Morning sickness : (Emesis gravidarum) Most women do experience some degree of nausea during pregnancy which gradually settles down soon after the end of first trimester. Sometimes the nausea is excessive and can be accompanied with excessive and persistent vomiting which calls for medical attention. Sharp and unpleasant odours and consumption of greasy and fried foods tend to aggravate it.
The sudden increase in the human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone in blood is attributed to it but the increased incidence in primigravidae points to the psychological aspect of the complaint. Normally these conditions do not call for any medical intervention. But if vomiting becomes excessive and leads to dehydration then it warrants urgent attention. (In cases with excessive vomiting-Hyperemesis gravidarum, there is no alternative to fluid transfusion to compensate the fluid loss)
Sepia is reputed to be one of our best medicines for this trouble. Apomorphia 6 should be considered in obstinate cases.” Other common medicines are:
2. Heartburn : This common complaint is the result of reflux of acid contents of the stomach as a result of relaxation of oesophageal sphincter. Over eating, late eating and spicy foods contribute to the problem.
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